Wednesday 6 February 2013

Editorial: Marriage Must Not Be Underrated

Marriage is a union between a Man and a Woman to live together as Husband and Wife and bring forth Children, thus building a Family.

Most Christian Teachings and Islamic Teachings make us well informed about marriage, and tell us how important this union is and thus should be encouraged.

Traditionally each individual regardless of where he or she is coming from is made aware of marriage as an institution and its importance in every one’s life.

Gone are the days when marriage was so important to the Youth. In those days, a young woman stay chaste until her suitor comes to ask for her Hand from her Parents. As a result, most youth got married beautifully and thereby creating a suitable and comfortable environment for their unborn children.

Undoubtedly, there are so many benefits derived from having a family, thus having babies under marriage and giving them a respectable future full of good home training unlike single parenting.

The Security, Care and much Attention which will be given to the children by both parents unlike when you are a single parent is what makes marriage so essential.

It is mind-boggling to know that, gone are days when Virgins were cherished and highly respected. These days things have changed, virgins are considered morons and inexperience for marriage.

It is however not surprising that even the few matured virgins in the system now are shy to open
up or proudly say they are virgins because of the fear that they may be mocked with the branded name ‘KOLO’, yet these same people who normally make such mockery statements always wish to be virgins, is it not funny?


Referring to some instances, I recall one incident on one of the social networks when in a conversation a girl said ‘she was proud to be a virgin’ and in response a guy sitting beside her laughed and said  “but you paa, whiles others are enjoying themselves by having sex, you are abstaining and you are not even ashamed.’’  So the question is, since when did ‘PURITY’ became a shameful thing?  It is such a pity to hear a young guy boast about fornication.
It is very obvious some of these reactions are the reasons why young girls of today do not seem to see the importance of staying chaste till marriage.

Relationships now in my opinion are indirect marriages. Most young unmarried men and women even have sex many times in a week, month and some instances even worst.

Honestly, youth of today do not seem to see the significance of marriage. Fornicating rate keep rising and it’s getting out of hand. Abortion rate keep spiraling with most of the females being teenagers. So many factors contribute to these changes in our society but who can you blame?
When you watch television commercials, all you see lately is condom adverts and not even one instance when you will see abstinence advert.

But come to think of it, promoting of condom is of great importance considering the kind of environment we find ourselves in now.

Is it not about time the Media do something to also encourage those unmarried people who are abstaining from sex until they find suitors?  Or what do you think?

In order to have a save and sound environment, I suggest that we rather have adverts that promote the use of condoms and abstinence, coupled with more education should be made available to the youth not only on television but on radio, in magazines and even in our homes.

It all bounces back to the questions surrounding marriage being underrated.


Whiles shifting blames, I want you to put at the back of your mind that each and every one of us has it as a duty to look after our own selves better.  Learn to make decisions on your own without allowing your decision to be influence by others.

After all, it is your life and your own choices.

Story by: Afia English

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