Monday 4 February 2013

An Open Letter To Amanda Of GhOne Television: No Hard Feelings Please!!

It is with much pleasure and enthusiasm with which I address this piece to you. Over the years, you have been an outstanding and excellent personality in the now developing media with your P.R works, radio activities and movie roles. Currently, your program E-Talk on GhOne Television has been one that have acquired you much fame and fans in diverse ways and as such, you serve as a mentor to the up and coming young ones who would love to occupy your seat when you finally retire from a job you love to do best with passion and love which is evident in you waking up Alex Usifo from his sleep to have him grant you interview. This shows the level of passion with which you attach with your job.
With the few above success and praises showered unto you, I believe there are certain areas you fall below par in your chosen career and as a persona. To begin with, I don’t begrudge the almighty for making you plump and sexy. In fact, I would love, if you consider my tender anytime you are about searching for an option to replace Bright whom you broke up with in your relationship since I have good taste for plump sized women. My reason for focusing on your plump nature has got to do with your choice of fashion and sitting posture anytime you appear on my television screen. It is good to be fashionable but wearing clothes that would make your flesh want to “explode” from them is something I find a little bit awkward.  Due to your sexy plump nature and as much as you would love to be sexy and fashionable, a critical look at what you wear unto our screens would be a little bit appreciated because most of your fashion preferences are tight fitting clothes. For your sitting posture, I think your production team needs to take care of that ‘night club or pub stool’ which you favour most.  I believe you have recorded editions of your show and hence a playback will justify how uncomfortable you look sitting on them.
Moving on, I believe the issue with praye tin-tin might have been laid to rest but fresh news making rounds indicates that you were really jilted by the lanky looking ‘bedroom bully’ whom u supposedly dated and that chances are that you might consider going back to him or dent his career in any way you could. (This is an allegation and news making waves on the street which I am drawing your attention to so please spare me the law court for my mum is shea butter and charcoal seller who can’t pay for the services of any lawyer).  As to whether praye tin-tin is on drugs as you claimed he was, it is up to you to come out and let your fans and that of praye know the sort of drugs he is usually on, be it marijuana, paracetamol, amoxicillin or gyidi power.
Knowing how soft hearted and emotionally attracted you are to Bright, I know you might consider giving him another opportunity of your love life but before you do, take a critical look in the mirror and answer these few questions for me:
Would  you want to spend the rest of your life with a man you are not secured with?
Would you want to marry a man who dates numerous women due to his good looks without your knowledge?

I’m not a saint but the little my late palm-wine tapping father who passed on after falling from the palm tree thought me was, “if you throw your hatchet at a squirrel eating your palm fruits because you are in haste, you might end up missing the squirrel, losing your  hatchet and not able to harvest your palm fruit. Until such time when I meet you at your favourite gari and beans joint in Accra, I wish you all the best and have a lovely day
Source: Sakyi Saint

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